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       Welcome to weekly mantras -

A personal space for us to unite , somehwere you can come when your feeling 'blue' for abit of comfort ....


What is Weekly Mantras ?   

When making this blog , i thought i should do something different along with making it  all about fashion and style . I wanted to give people something more , something that will make a difference , something that will allow them to feel as if their not alone and something that will turn that 'frown upside down ' when your feeling slightly blue . Aswell as this , it is a place where you can visit for some inspiration , a place that acknowledges that being teenagers isnt always so easy and so ultimately it gives us all a place where we can unite in togetherness .


I hope i can acheive this by inspiring you guys and some may say , ' its just a few words , cant really make a difference ' and that may well be but something i have always belived is that  : 'words are mightier then the sword' and so i deeply hope that this really does make a difference . 

                                                                                           Enjoy x 

Hey girlies , how are you today ? 

So i have been thinking about these mantras quite alot and thought that as my fist mantra i would address an issue that is quite common whithin teenage girls , infact i think every girl has experienced it atleast once and if you havnt i honestly solute you , because thats truly amazing . 


So without any further ado , the issue is : INSECURENESS - feeling as though your not good enough , like everyone else is better then you in one way or another . Insecurities are a major issue , they can cause you to feel so desperate and so sad , they take you away from being the 'fun' you , and i should know , after all iam a teenager too . 

Okay so i know guys that its not easy standing in front of the mirror and being completely satisfied with your self , but we have to and have to fight it , because if we dont these 'insecurities'- they consume us , start making us feel things that drive us away from positivity , and its not easy because sometimes we as girls pick on the little things , the little flaws that nobody sees and make it our problem , and insecurity , we compare ourselves to others and again make it our problem that 'wer not good enough' - again our insecurity  and please dont get me wrong guys  I' am not addresing just  looks and facial charecteristics or beauty , aswell as this iam also talking about everything us girls are fussy about - weight , grades etc .  And to be honest guys , i cant advise you on this because sometimes i too suffer from 'insecureness' but guys everytime it makes you feel worthless , just remmember that God , Our Lord , is the 'shaper of all beauty ' and how could the creator of beauty not make something truly beuatiful ( always makes me feel positive) , and remember that your little flaws make you , you , they are your 'pefect imperfections' , which you have to accept , which you have to love because how can we ever be content with our selves if we dont love our selves .  

Another thing guys , dont compare , honestly ive experienced this , comparing ourselves to others only makes us sad- be happy with who you are , beacuse thats you , and scrap societys illusion of beauty - that looks is everything , because true beauty is from whithin , who you are on the inside , so next time when looking in the mirror look for that inner reflection ! And as for grades , do your absolute best , pray to the  Creator and leave it upon him , and then be content with what you get becasue you prayed and so whatever you get is written , by the 'Lord of the heavens and the earth ' .


So guys guess thats the end of that . I sincerly apologise , if this was kinda all over the place becasue i just didnt know how to address it , but felt i had to as its just a growing issue whithin communities . I hope i made you feel more positive and always remember guys nobodys perfect and that these little 'imperfections' you see are 'perfectly imperfect ' and that what people see is based on there assumptions , but what you have to do , is be the best version of yourself , and be clam , still and content with that version - which is truly and amazingly beautiful . .  

Hey girlies,

It's been a week and we all know what that means!! Yes, it's time for a weekly mantra . For this mantra, I’ am again going to talk about quite a personal issue, which I was inspired to talk about , by the name of my blog actually : catwalk .  


The topic is, ‘PERSONAL CONFIDENCE’ , and as i was scrolling through my blog , I thought to my self , why did I pick the name of this to be ‘Catwalk’ ! And it all made sense, this was because I wanted to relate my blog  to the 'catwalk’ of life , which is filled with many ups and downs , can be rough and at times can be smooth . This 'runway' of life, can make it very hard for us to uphold our personal confidence, it's almost as if , the 'catwalk' of life brags personal confidence and by this I mean , that those that often have a 'smooth' runway , you know have everything going good for them , are more confident , have more self esteem , because people admire them - for whatever reason ! I mean the reason can vary - for example: they have more belongings , and because of this reason , the runway , almost becomes a means of putting on a show for others ; for them – just to show people what they have for example.


And what I’ am trying to portray is that , your 'runway' should never be about putting on a show for others , and trust me I know this can be hard , because at times we as girls almost become so deluded by the idea of showing people what we have , and to be completely honest  I’ve done it  a few times too , especially in secondary school – because as we grow up we tend to feel as if having all these ‘things’ will make us more confident – more popular in other words and  it almost becomes a source of a competition -' who's got the best ... ?'


But guys trust me it's not , this only decreases personal confidence , it only makes you more insecure , because if we look at the ' runway' of others , we often want what their ' showing ' and this ; this just  leads into a dark path for us , it brings a  lack of personal confidence , because we start disliking our  taste , our sense of style and ultimately who we are as we want to be more and more like them . In other words we lose who we are to be like someone else!  


What I’ am trying to convey is that ,  gaining personal confidence - is not about putting on a show for others , but about being happy , secure and confident in your own skin !!! Because like I mentioned in my previous mantra, if We’re not happy with ourselves how can we ever be content , how can we ever be confident , so love yourself , because your so beautiful and because your , YOU ! Create your own style , maybe not on the catwalk of Paris , New York , Rome and London – but say :  what I’ am wearing is about me and my style - unique ! And don't let anybody tell you otherwise..


I hope this was helpful guys. Again I feel I didn’t know how to address the issue , because its something that goes on and on , and I think , now that I personally have come to an end of my five years at high school , I understand this so much more , and so if I was to give any of my youngers some advice it would be : never be ashamed of who you are , your style and what you wear , as long as you like it , because  the ‘world is your runway ‘ and at the end of the day your not the one that’s putting on a show for others , but you will be the one that’s way more confident , and  that’s all that matters . 


Hey beauties ,

                         wow its already week 3 , and for this weeks mantra I wanted to just talk about something most of us go through, it isn’t a single topic but is topic that is extremely widespread .


The topic is : Dreams and ambitions – your future. Now we all know that at the end of high school we are made to choose our options for college – options that will lead on to what course we want to do further on or what we want to become. And sometimes, we as individuals may want to choose another route , so something different , for instance ,  I am so so passionate about fashion design and so I didn’t want to do my a-levels in several different topics but wanted to go for a ‘extended diploma in fashion design’- a BTEC . Now I know this sounds very simple, but when I was going through picking this I actually went through a whole load of stress , because when I would tell people I’ am doing fashion design , they would give me a particular look – one I recognized , one that showed senses of them being rather shocked in disappointment . I would get comments like : ‘its not even a real job’, ‘its so competitive’, ‘at the end of the day, everyone else will succeed so much more’ , even a careers advisor said to me : ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ . I didn’t show it at the time but these comments affected me so much , I was almost made to be driven away from my dream , from what I wanted my future to hold . People would make comments like : ‘what’s the point of revising ( which I used to be very consistent upon ) , your only doing fashion design ‘ – they almost degraded my dream , making me feel as though I shouldn’t do it . But here I’ am , having fought through all those comments , having picked fashion design and I have to say this was far from easy ! So doubtful, I first spoke my parents who told me , that its my choice and they would be completely happy with whatever I choose , and having been satisfied by this I chose it and just prayed – to ‘god almighty’- the one who ‘knows’ , to make it easy for me and to kind off make the steps of going trough enrolment etc. , easy if its meant to be for me , and I have to say , it all worked out , which really gave me a heads up that what I, am doing is best for myself . Now guys the point of my story is not to tell you , the process of my ‘college application’ but to show you that sometimes people and society can be so judgmental towards others , they can drive you away from what you love , and the point I want to be coming at is that never let people change your mind , never let people change your way , and never let them come in between what you love ! Do what you want , peruse whatever dream it is that you have because at the end of the day , you’re the one that’s going to be left with no regrets , because you’ll know that you did exactly as you wanted .


I Know guys that its easy saying it , but its okay to be scarred , I mean I’ am too – the college that I’ am going to has not one person that comes from the same background as myself , I have no friends coming with me or even to the same college ,  I have nothing but this dream , and as for being scarred , about the fact that what I have chose is one of the most competitive jobs out there , about the fact that I ‘am alone ..    I ,  definitely am , but then as is said : If your dreams don’t scare you , their just not big enough’ and I guess this just sums I up . 


I know this topic may not relate to everyone , but during secondary school – especially year 11 , I have seen not only myself but a few friends ,  being ‘diverted from what they’ve always wanted to do and so I felt I must talk about it’ .


Ultimately guys, remember to always always follow your dream whatever it takes , as long as your parents are happy . One of my very good friend who I ‘ am actually so proud of , is studying something so sacred to us : Islamic Theology  , despite the comments she got about how important it is to focus on an English based education and one of my other very good friends is juggling both : Islamic studies and college – The point of this is that they’re both doing what their heart desires  , Ammarah – being brave enough to embrace her opportunity to follow her amazing childhood dream , like me has no one coming with her and Tasneem knows  it’ l be hard to embrace her not only one but two dreams but she trusts her dream , she’s determined to succeed and do whatever it takes to achieve greatness and I guess that’s all it takes  and if your scarred just pray to the ‘Lord’ , saying that ‘if it is good for you let it be and remember that 'everything happens for a reason’ and so the fact that your even doing a course / courses is for a reason – only known by the ‘almighty’, and remember  whatever out Lord Decrees , is always beyond amazing .  

Hey girlies ,

                     I’ am back . I sincerely apologies for missing last weeks mantra - ( we had Eid and preparations got me so busy ) but anyway .


So as some of you may know this week I attended week one of NCS ( national citizens service ) which is a 4 week course where you do various activities to grow as a young person and I know it sounds kinda weird but just 5 days really inspired me to talk about this weeks topic .


The topic is , taking risks , and I don't just mean a risk like sitting on a ride , I mean taking risks on a larger scale , risk that hold something dear at stake .  To begin with I would like to talk about myself and my experiences . So I’am extremely scarred of heights , like legit scarred and would never even think of climbing up something , but this week , I had to , I had signed up for it and so I had no choice . First day = zip wire and that was fine , second day = climbing and that too was fine but then we came  across the ‘leap of faith’ – an activity where you had to climb a pole  double the size of standard house , stand on a 6x6 platform and jump off , which literally got me crying , but i couldn't let my team down , and I did it - one step at a time , stood on the platform , tears dropping down my cheeks and jumped , and oh man , I can't explain the buzz I got , it felt like 'I’am walking on sunshine ' ( okay maybe I’ am exaggerating ) but trust me it felt awesome . And I know the risk I took , was quite little but the point is , by taking this risk , I overcame my greatest fear . Another example about my self taking a risk - much larger then this one - is by choosing a career that is one of the most competitive careers out there , it has my whole life - career wise on stake , I have no one coming with me - no friends , no one , I’ am entirely alone , and I've talked about this before - so many people had told me not to do fashion design , but I took the risk , - at one point even my own father , wasn't happy with this , but I took the risk , because I’ am so so passionate about it , and thought that life's about risk , if we're not gonna take risks what's the point , we'll be stuck where we are , and to be honest , I didn't even realise until this week , that by doing fashion design I’ am actually taking a very huge risk - a risk which could lead me in to a path full of success ( insha'Allah ) or another path ( only known by Allah - the greatest , the merciful ) . You see , I don't know , I mean does anyone when taking a risk , all we have to do , is take the risk we want to , pray and leave it in the hands of God - the knower , the sustainer , the being in who's every action is good .


I know guys that sometimes it's not that easy taking a risk , but like I said life is all about risks , don't regret you didn't , when you could've , because if you don't try , you'll never know .


Really hope that was somewhat inspiring guys and remember that in life if you don't risk anything, you risk everything.

Hey beauties !

                                        This weeks mantra will be on something that is quite a spread topic and today I will be touching on it !


The topic is - friends - those who stick with you through your ups and downs  , those who make you smile brighter , laugh harder and live better , those who you tell everything  to , those that understand you - your craziness !


So to begin with, we all know that through high school we meet all different kinds of our friends - some that we connect with automatically, some That are harder to understand, some who are simply amazing ! And I know this sounds rather simple , but sometimes , we as humans get deluded when choosing our friends ! And what i mean by this is that , we don't choose wisely ! - we some times choose those who we don't particularly like being around but just befriend because of their position - for example : because they're popular and being with them makes you popular , and guys to be honest although I’ am going to be touching on other aspects of this topic this is actually why I chose ' friends' as this weeks topic - to make everyone understand that you must never befriend someone because your gaining a position or a certain status by befriending them , because that will only mean your friendship is based around lies , your never going to be comfortable with eachother - there's always going to be a barrier between you , your always going to feel as if you can't fully connect , all because this friendship is based around a completely different  idea to what friendship actually means ! Additionally guys , sometimes , when we’ r friends with someone ( and I've encountered This many times ) specially if its a group then ,  its natural to feel left out , - other members of the group will always have something ' private' to say to each other and if I was to give any advice then , it would be that if this is the case then don't be friends with that particular group - one that you can't fully be a part off , one that makes you feel like your not good enough , because you are , and you deserve to be friends with someone that makes you feel so ! - This is why it is so so important to choose your friends wisely, - choose someone who you can connect with instantly , the person that makes you better as an individually - someone who leads you towards the right path , the person who does righteous things , and the person with whom you smile openly , say anything and everything and simply be your self , your crazy , beautiful self ! I understand guys that sometimes, specially at the beginning  of school , we tend to mistakenly make friends with that one friend who is kinda going off the wrong way , and I know that ones your friends with  someone it's hard to get out , but if you can't be yourself around them then what's the point of even calling them a friend !


Ultimately , this was just a little something in a topic I feel many people experience , but one thing I must add is that , once you choose that one person or person(s) , who you can be your crazy self with , keep them as close to your heart as you can , because they will be the ones , that will be there for you , they will be the ones you can tell everything and anything , those that in fact make you ' smile bigger ' ' laugh louder ' and live better’ not the ones that your friends  with because of an opportunity of some sort !


Remember guys , just choose wisely because your friend group ; is you - and if you know that these friends are not leading you to good , to the morals then do yourself a favor and get out of it as soon as possible because as our Lord says ; that on the day of judgment one will say : ' oh woe is me ' ! Would I have not taken such a one for a friend ' ! And the Lord only says this , because he  is the knower and he knows the mistakes people make , and come on how many of us , want to be ' led astray ' because we lived our lives with friends who were not friends !


I really hope this helped my beauties ! Some of the stuff i mentioned I myself have experienced and have come across many people feeling the same way and so it kinda became necessary for me to talk about as I could fully relate to it ! Remember guys surround yourselves with people who love , inspire and encourage you as a person .  Lots of love x



Hey girlies ,

                 hope your all well . This weeks mantra is on something that is and is becoming more and more common as the days go by . It is something that is experienced by many but also carried out by many . It can sometimes , break and shatter a person , hurt their feelings and even make people look at them in a disgraceful way .


The topic is Judgement. How do we define this word? Not very easy to define, is it? When I think of the word “judgement” the first thing that comes to my mind is court cases where a judge passes judgement after listening to the case and then whatever the judge declares is legally binding on both parties. Well, I asked Google to shed some light on how it defines judgement, I was only shown the legal and court definition of the word. This made me ask myself, why is it that we, as human beings, think that we have the right to hold our own amateur courts all the time against our fellow human beings and behave as if our judgement is legally binding or something on the person we so quickly passed judgement on?


Well , my definition of judging is :  people assuming things about others , taking what they see and building up thoughts about the person based on what they look like , how they dress , what they do and often these thoughts – the ‘judgemental thoughts’ are negative about a person . Now I know that sometimes we as human beings automatically judge another – ‘she’s like this this’ , ‘shes this .. shes that’ , ‘why is she doing this’.. ‘doesn’t she know ‘ ‘what is she wearing’ .. etc , and what people often forget is that judging another person based on what you see is completely wrong , its like you don’t even know the person , their motives , their reasons and just like that you find it your place to judge them , think bad in other words . And what I’ am trying to point out is that you should never judge a person , by what you see .

How many times it has happened that we have learnt about a difficulty in a person’s personal or professional life and we’ve, without having the slightest clue about the inside story, passed comment or passed judgement on them? Put forward our own theories about the reasons behind their difficulty and our own solutions about how to solve it and our own judgements about all the people involved. Why do we think that we need to interfere and act as if we are right in our lame judgements when clearly we don’t know what the inside story is. It is a fact that a lot goes behind closed doors, after all.


Furthermore guys, when we pass on a judgment about another person its sometimes happens that we pick out their faults – for instance what their religiously doing wrong , and I know that we feel as though ‘wed never do such a thing’ or that ‘what a person is doing is a sin’ and what society needs to really understand specially on religious terms is that you must always look at yourself first before looking at others , because come on , all of us have our faults , yes ‘she’ may be doing something wrong but you may be doing something worse . This is why we must always always look at our selves first and build our own selves before telling others or even judging others, because you don’t know , this person may be so much more beloved in the eyes of ‘god ‘ then you , then how can you find it rightful to find faults of this person , when spiritually they are at a higher rank then you .


So guys that the end of that , I sincerely apologies if this mantra kinda turned into a rant , its just that I’ am just so tired of people being judged , and I felt I must talk about it as I too have experienced it many times . Just remember guys that ‘never judge a book by its cover’ specially on religious occasions because , at the end on the day , its that person , and the lord‘ and ‘its you , and the lordthey are not answering for you , and you are not answering for them , so leave them to be and work on building yourself up .I hope that makes sense lovelies , and before I officially conclude I would like to share a quote with you by one of favorite speakers :


‘ Their are people who might not appear to be the best but their struggle to gain the love of their maker is far greater than those who may appear to be the best’

                                    – Mufti menk .



Hey girlies ,

                      hope your all well . This weeks mantra will be on a topic very dear to myself and many other Muslim girls out there . It is something that gives us identity , beatifies us , and allows us to feel closer to our lord . The topic is ‘the hijab’ – the headscarf. Now many may think of this as a piece of cloth that just covers a ‘Muslim girls hair , but to us it is what differentiates us from everyone else , it is what allows us to surrender fully to our lord and gain full control of our lives .


I personally started wearing the hijab at 15 – the age when I thought I was ready to embrace it , not feel as if I miss styling my hair and to be completely honest it was extremely hard at first , I felt as if people looked at me in a weird way , I wasn’t seen as the same person anymore , I was expected to do things differently , which I never really understood . I cried on my first day I wore it to school and was so close to taking it off , but the fear of being ‘ the girl that took her scarf off’ stopped me and I am so glad it did , ( Alhamdulillah) because the hijab has offered so much to me , in everyway . I somehow feel so much more confident, secure and don’t seem to really be affected by society’s expectations , it taught me to be happy with myself , be me , be calm , and stay positive , and to be completely honest , it has literally been the best thing that has ever happen to me . I’ am now in a place where I cant even think about taking it off . BUT ( yes there’s always a but) , there are times when I miss going out with my hair looking at people and thinking : ‘wish I could do that’ , but then again , that’s where the test comes in – are we being dragged back into something we’ v fought or are we fighting it once again , and gaining that AJR , surrendering our selves to our lord , the almighty .


Moreover as much as I love my hijab , I have to say I absolutely disagree with the idea of women , specially in some  particular country’s ,  having to wear the hijab forcefully . I mean don’t get me wrong , like I said before , I find it so beautiful when I see someone with the hijab , but the hijab is something that one must do only for the sake of Allah , something one must adapt to , love , cherish and appreciate , which is why I always say to my friends who have not started wearing the hijab yet , that ‘its okay ‘ , ‘you’ll wear it when your ready’ , ‘just pray for the strength and you’ l get it ‘ , because I understand - a year ago I was in the same position , wanting to cover up , wanting to fulfill what is so important in my religion but the thought of leaving what society taught me scarred me and I guess I just fought a little every time and Alhamdulillah was granted with this amazing blessing .


Additionally , - ( you may find that what I’ am about to touch on now may reflect back to my previous mantra on ‘judgment’) , it really saddens me when people or society in general , judge a person that is as they would say a ‘part time hijabi’ , and I would know, I started off as one . I would get comments like ‘what’s the point and it would literally frustrate me to the max . I mean its almost as if , someone it trying their best to get closer to there lord , their doing something so great for the sake of their religion , and yes their hair may be visible on some days , but at least their trying . This attempt itself may suffice for them to become beloved in the eyes of the almighty , and so by receiving comments like these would almost put me off , and guys honestly if theirs anyone out there that is or has experienced this , then don’t listen to these people , be happy and proud of yourselves for taking the step , and stay there if you have to , praying in the process to be granted the strength to climb all the way to the top , and when you get there it’ll be the best feeling ever – and mark my words on this .


Furthermore guys , something I must add is that all of us , weather we wear the hijab or not must always be cautious of what is in our head , because sometimes its not what’s on our head but what is in , which may weigh to be more important . Just remember that you must always clothe yourself with , compassion , kindness , humility, gentleness and patience and ‘Insha’Allah these things will make you grow both inside and out .


So girls that’s the end of that . I really hope you enjoyed this and I hope I inspired/encouraged you guys (fingers crossed) .  Before I go , I will share with you my favorite quote about the beauty of the hijab :


' The hijab does not cover up a girls weakness but in fact displays her strength , commitment and confidence which is built out of love for Allah subhana wa ta’ala . '


Hey beauties.

                 Hope your all well . This weeks mantra , is mostly aimed at those of you about to start college . It is an adapted version of my end of year speech and I sincerely felt I must talk about this as we all know that we’re one step  closer to our dreams – one week to go – wow summer surely flew by . I hope you enjoy this and it gives you a bit of hope/inspiration../encouragement about embracing every opportunity you get along the way .


SO here we go ..5  years ago, today- we were all about to begin year 7 with different dreams, hopes and aspirations. Some of us wanted to be a doctor, lawyer or maybe even a teacher, while others aspired to be footballers, wrestlers or in my case an air hostess! But regardless of what we said- we have all changed in one way or another and the 5 year long journey however long winded it may have been- we’ll all agree that it was definitely worthwhile.


We’ve made friends, lost friends, learned how to love; perhaps even a little bit too much, and learned so many other new things. We’ve laughed, cried, had petty arguments which sometimes lead to massive arguments, but nonetheless we have made memories, memories that we’ll cherish for the rest of our lives.


One chapter of our lives may have ended but another is just one step away. We’re moments away from reaching adulthood, getting our first fully paid job, learning how to drive and choosing the profession that we want to pursue for the rest of our lives. Its time to move on, let go, make new friends, have new experiences and just as we had those aspiration as we walked into year 7, we’ll have aspirations as we walk into college, and just as we think “what the hell” as we think back to our hopes and dreams, we’ll eventually look back at our former self and think just the same thing. One thing we must all understand is that we’ll never be the same person, we’re always changing, adapting, having new adventures- you’ll never be the person sat reading this today , But remember that wherever you are and whatever life has in store for you , always remain positive - take everything in life with a smile , be happy , be grateful for the little things in life - Because  we all know that in life , ups and downs are always present , maybe not the same ups and downs for all people but every one ,   yes everyone experiences those ‘downs’ in one way or another , and sometimes whilst experiencing that down , we are lead to a path of negativity – we begin to think negatively , we whine about our situation , we see everyone else’s lives as better , pity ourselves . And I understand that sometimes we – as teenagers go through phases or times that make us feel so low , so worthless ,  so helpless , we’re almost made to feel as though : ‘ its always me ‘ , when we’ re at our lowest that’s when we begin to become extremely sad and the whole good vibe attitude starts to disappear , this is what triggers us to look at others and feel as though they have so much more , and the reason I mention this is because this is exactly what we mustn’t do , as hard as it may be , we have to be strong and fight through , we have to and have to remain positive because once we are lead towards that negative path , it becomes so hard to get out . So simply just embrace everything with a smile in this chapter of your lives and if it does happen that your at your lowest then pray – to the lord almighty – the one who listens and the one who knows - he who does everything for the best and trust me you’ll feel so much better .


I would just like to conclude by saying that work hard,

But have fun too,

Don’t take on too much stress,

And before you know it you’ll be finishing college,

And you’ll be on your way to university-

Feeling exactly the way you feel today,

Its natural to be upset and not want change, but we all have to go through change in order grow and prosper in life.

Spend your last few days of summer   laughing, having a joke, taking pictures- whatever it takes to make it memorable,

Remember to remain positive and embrace life with a smile

Good luck to all of you, with your future, with your dreams -

With whatever it is that your fate has in store for you.


                                                                          Thank you for reading .

                                                                                          Lots of love x 

Hey beauties !!

                             Hope your all well and that the beginning of school/college is going well !


This weeks mantra is based on the topic of personality - how you are on the inside ! Inner beauty isn’t just inner beauty. As you dwell on the idea for a while, you’ll realise that inner beauty is the only beauty there is , because at the end of the day the impression you leave on people about your character is what shapes you in the eyes of others not the image of your appearance ! What I’ am trying to come to is that , you must always be humble , wish well for others , be happy for what others have , because it is the lack of humbleness that drives thick barriers between people , nowadays society functions in the way where everything is seen as a competition ! Why ? I mean , every individual owns what is written for them , and so how can anyone not be happy for another persons fate , it's almost as if when people do this , their not happy with there own which of course leads to jealousy which is why you must always always be happy for others , and I understand that sometimes we as humans are lead to want things others have , and that's fine , but we must always be mindful of our limits and not allow our selves to be jealous because like I said this drives barriers between friends , relatives and loved ones !


Moreover moving back to a point I made earlier, I’ am not saying at all that appearances don’t matter , all I’ am saying is that people are so deluded that ; that's all they give importance to , personality or how they treat others doesn't matter , and it should , because remember it's what's on the inside that counts - when we go back to our creator- we won't be questioned about what bags , clothes , make up we wore  - No ! what will matter and shine through will be the kind of person you were , the love you had for your fellow brothers and sisters , your personality , your humbleness and that's what will get us our ' everlasting ' life  !


So guys this mantras not gonna be too long , I just felt I must address the idea of how important being ' nice and humble is to others ! Leave a mark on every person you meet , let them remember you as the one who had a 'shining personality' because beauty only exists in one form , and that without doubt is the inner form , which if beautiful builds a confident , secure  and humble person .


Before I officially finish off , I will share you one of my most favorite poems - it was actually this poem that inspired me to talk about this particular topic . Here it is :


The beauty of a woman

isn't in the clothes she wears,

The figure that she carries,

or the way she combs her hair.


The beauty of a woman

must be seen from in her eyes;

Because that's the doorway to her heart,

the place where love resides.


The beauty of a woman

isn't in a facial mole;

But true beauty in a woman,

is reflected by her soul.


It's the caring that she cares to give,

the passion that she shows;

And the beauty of a woman

with passing years only grows.


                                   ~ Maya Angelou

Hey lovelies ,


                           I hope you are all well . Omg it feels like I haven't wrote in ages , and I sincerely do apologies for that ( I know I used to be pretty consistent with these mantras ) , it was just that college started , and the first few assignments were given out , so I got really busy - but don't for a second think that I don't priorities these mantras , because I love writing about things that make a difference and inspire people . Okay so I’ am gonna stop now so we can make a start .


Today's mantra is about - being grateful and thankful for everything in life - the small and littlest things to things who Matter most , the trials and the tests to moments where your life is filled with happiness .

The reason I chose to talk about this particular topic because I feel like sometimes we as teenagers take things in life for granted ,and don't get me wrong , when I say we , I’ am including my self too . We have things and want more and more , and there's no problem in wanting more - not at all , where the problem lies is that we don't ever stop for a second , and say Alhamdulillah ( thank you Oh lord ) - for you have given us so much -  you've given us health , sustenance , provision , a roof above our heads , parents who have done so much for us and without whom we would not have been where we are , these little things that we own , the food we have on our tables , and thank you oh lord , mostly for making us amongst the Ummah of the greatest prophet - and I know we don't mean it sometimes , we get so busy that we just forget , and I’ am guilty of this too , but always remember that whatever it is that your busy with , or are working towards , it is this Lord that gets you there , so how can it be that we can't take out - less than 60 seconds to say a few words .  Always remember guys , ( and this always gets me to be grateful ) That there are so many out there who ' want ' what you have , they don't have roofs over there heads , others are orphans, others suffer from illnesses that make them so helpless , there are parents out there who sleep with an empty stomach so that there children can eat and that too not fully . This brings a thought to mind - think of it this way ,

the prophet ( S. A.W) Pbuh said ,

                                    ' look at those below you as opposed to looking at those that are above you '

And hopefully ( insha'Allah) this will get us to be so much more grateful , and learn that happiness is not always about getting what we want all the time , it's about loving what you have and being grateful for it .


So guys that's the end of that , I hope that was somewhat insightful - I apologies if you felt this turned into sort of  a rant - it's just that recently I have stories that have really gotten me to think about being more grateful personally and I thought why not share this .  Always remember guys that being grateful always raises you in kindness and gratitude .

Hey beauties , 

                                     I hope you are a well . Once again , it's been so long since I've wrote these mantras - assignments just got so tough and I literally had no time so I do want to sincerely apologies ! But , there's something new I’ am working on for the blog so hopefully that should make up for all the missed weeks .


Okay so without any further ado , here we go : this weeks topic is about 'being truthful' and its importance .


Ask someone to  define truthfulness and the answer will most likely be restricted to something about truthful speech.  Islam, however, teaches that truthfulness is far more than having an honest tongue.  In Islam, truthfulness is the conformity of the outer with the inner, the action with the intention, the speech with belief, and the practice with the preaching.  As such, truthfulness is the key to a shining character  and the stepping stone for  virtuousness deeds. Being truthful is also one of the necessities of a human society, one of the virtues of human behavior, and brings great benefits, whilst lying is one of the major elements of corruption in human society, and the cause of the destruction of social structure and ties, one of the most evil features of bad conduct, and causes widespread harm , how one may add ! See , this is how I see it , people always question , now if you tell a lie - and for whatever reason , and you are questioned , you will have to tell another lie and just like that , they build on and on and on ..



Moreover guys , sometimes lying just happens naturally and I don't mean to sound funny or anything , but this has happened to me too - and not once , many times because  as humans we sometimes tell lies , to protect ourselves , to protect those we love , and we may be doing it from the goodness of our hearts , but at the end of the day - a lie is a lie - the person we are lying to , may not realise , or ever even find out , but our almighty knows , and he’ll always know , even if the lie is as small as a drop ! Additionally, always remember that ' time discovers truth' and this  may not be true , in all cases but imagine - what if it is - what if the truth always came out - wouldn't it hurt the person more , because yes the truth may hurt for a moment but the pain experienced from a lie can last forever .


So guys I guess that's  the end of that - sorry if this topic was sort of direct ( if that makes sense ) but I was just really inspired to talk about truthfulness , as recently I read an article about how , lying is a major sin in Islam , and of course I knew this from before , but reading this article really touched my heart and I began thinking about all the times in my life that I've lied , even about something small , - because a lie that we take as 'small' can turn out to be extremely heavy on our scales on the day of judgment .  So remember , always speak the truth no matter what , because at the end of the day the truth always prevails .

Latest Mantra - WEEK 13 :

Hey beauties , 

                      Really hope your all well . Its been so long since I've published a mantra , and as I finished all my assignments I thought i really just have to finish this mantra that I've been working on for a few weeks now . Its about life and it's obstacles , so without any further ado here we go :


Life - how would you define this ? Harder then it seems isn't it . The dictionary meaning states : life is the existence of an individual human being or animal. Is it really ? Just the existence . Well I don't think so anyway , I think life is something so much more deeper , it's some thing every individual sees differently , but by understanding these individual definitions , and living by how you define life , you'll come to the realisation that it is in fact a magnificent journey .  A journey that  is beautiful but not always easy, it has problems, too, and the challenge lies in facing them with courage, letting the beauty of life make the pain bearable, during trying times , which may be seen as 'hard or unbearable ' but exist to add to the sea of knowledge , to allow us to learn , as travellers in this short world .


Happiness, sorrow, victory, defeat, day-night are the two sides that usually follow each other . life is full of moments of joy, pleasure, success and comfort punctuated by misery, defeat, failures and problems. There is no human being on Earth, strong, powerful, wise or rich, who has not experienced, struggle, suffering or failure. Life will take everyons through paradigm shifts, open your eyes to the unseen and the unheard, it will challenge you, test your limits, break you down and then rebuild you , only to make you a better individual , to allow you to be one step closer to accomplish our one mission in life - this test .


No doubt, life is beautiful and every moment – a celebration of being alive, but one should  always be ready to face adversity and challenges. A person who has not encountered difficulties in life can never achieve success.


Difficulties test the courage, patience, perseverance and true character of a human being. Adversity and hardships make a person strong and ready to face the challenges of life with equanimity. There is no doubt that there can be no gain without pain. It is only when one toils and sweats it out that success is nourished and sustained.


This, life is and should not be just a bed of roses; thorns are also a part of it and should be accepted by us , as a gift from our Lord , Allah , after all these 'thorns' , no matter how sharp , are there to  teach us that success in life and this unpredictable path truly comes from Allah in accordance to who we are, who we want to be !


One thing that we must all remember is that no matter how hard it gets , Our Allah is right beside us , and he will help us endure these moments , testing us along the way , for not only a bright life but a brighter hear after ( subhan'Allah ) . And it's okay , if at times you get lost , because remember some beautiful paths cannot be discovered without getting lost , but every time you reach that line before having it all figured out and completely losing it remember that if running towards the path of Allah is hard , then jog , if you get tired then walk and if you can't then crawl but never go back or stop , because if you do , then that ' beautiful path ' may never be found , and when you finally decide to start again , you may have forgotten the direction that needs to be taken .


Also , another thing we have to always be mindful of , is appreciating what we have , the countless blessings Allah has bestowed upon us and being Thankful for them , because there are many if the world who don't even have a quarter of what we have . A famous saying goes : don't look at those that are above you , but look at those that are below you , because looking at those above us will only make us envy them , be greedy , want what they have , but looking at those below us will humble us , allowing us to understand that nothing in this world lasts forever . We are merely travellers in this world , who should strive to tread this glorious path of Allah , a path that leads to success , and a path that is the ultimate answer to this test ...

All contents and images © 2015 by CATWALK - Unless stated otherwise .


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